Evelin Joakit

Evelin Joakit - AudiitorteenusedEvelin has worked at Audiitorteenuse OÜ since 2008. Evelin is very fond of the small collective of Audiitorteenuse OÜ that consists of great people from whom it is possible to learn something every day and develop constantly. Evelin is a highly valuable member of our team due to her experience with different clients; also her Excel skills are invaluable for the company.

Evelin likes the versatility of audit work, a lot of which consists of communication with different people but also finding one’s way in the labyrinth of numbers. The diverse audit work encompasses various activities, starting with taking part in an inventory count to communication with the top management of clients; all these assignments are exciting. Evelin considers it very important that the work process is fun and enjoyable among other things.

Evelin possesses the remarkable skill of accommodating numerous activities into one working day, whereas she always completes all the necessary tasks in time and with precision but still has sparkle in her eyes at the end of the day.

When Evelin is done with work, she can be found playing padel, surfing at sea or snowboarding down the ash hill, depending on the weather. And most importantly, she is always there for her family.

Professional experience
Evelin is an authorised auditor since 2013 and has auditing experience since the year 2000.

Evelin’s client portfolio consists of companies representing various sectors of industry, for example Kärla Põllumajandusühistu, Tavex, Eugesta Eesti, ALSO Eesti, Incap Electronics Estonia, Automeister, Wise Guys Ventures Fond 1, Insly, TAVT, SLG Energy, Raumedic Estonia, and many others.

2001 – 2004 Estonian Business School, Bachelor of economy – business consultation and organisation development
1995 – 2000 Tallinn University of Technology, Bachelor – business administration and accounting
1992 – 1995 Gustav Adolf Gymnasium, mathematics-physics specialized class

Professional experience
since 2013 auditor, Audiitorteenuse OÜ
2008 – 2013 auditor’s assistant, Audiitorteenuse OÜ
2005 – 2008 specialist of activity-based cost accounting, Hansapank AS
2000 – 2005 audit project manager, PricewaterhouseCoopers AS
1999 – 2000 accountant, AS Toode

phone: +372 5621 4558
e-mail: evelin.joakit@audiitorteenused.ee